It's funny how I want to throw my life away a couple of weeks ago...just like a scratch paper.
I was just being a brat that day, just saying I don't want that, I want this!...frustrated, I typed into the keyboard my tantrum, my petitions, my wants! I complained before my life. When in fact my life is in the need of complaining about me.
I have realized that when you give time to things, give time to yourself, to your surroundings and to people, eventually you will come to a point of acceptance. Adaptation.
Yes, you don't always get what you want, but that doesn't mean you will not get it also. You just can't have it instantly sometimes. It's not always serve on a silver platter...mind you, and mind me..haha. The key is perseverance (and sometimes taming your inner selfishness).
Things that you want are sometimes too valuable that circumstances won't just allow it to be given away for free. No, it must be paid, a high price. It will cost you time.
I was being stupid being angry to those people warning me, don't do that, don't do this....they're not acting to boss you around but because they care for your credibility and integrity loss in some stupid things that I posts. Giving it time, I've realize I'm the one at fault. Thank you.
If my life is like a paper, probably it may have a couple of crumples spread to the whole paper, some little torn around the corner, blots and stains but even though it may not look too clean, and look frayed, I would still try to smoothed the crumples that I made, erase the blots, and try to clean the stains...if within my effort they will still leave a mark, well I guess that's how I have live my life....better be worn than stay clean, prim and blank.